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Electricity and Energy


Electricity is an infrastructural cornerstone of any economy.  Without electricity and energy any economy would struggle to survive, let alone expand.  StratEcon has been involved in the analysis of a number of electricity and energy related projects in South Africa, Namibia and Zimbabwe.  These range from assessing the economic, social and environmental viability of including renewable energy in the generation mix to developing a computable general equilibrium model assessing the economic impact of electricity price increases and to the economic viability of providing electrification and an electricity subsidy to lower income households.

Completed Projects


  • Economic feasibility assessment of the Batoka Gorge Hydroelectric Scheme. With ERM Southern Africa for the Zambezi River Authority, 2016 and updated in 2019.

  • Macroeconomic assessment of support tariff options. For the Namibia Electricity Control Board, 2014 and extended in 2015.

  • Economic assessment of the Renewable Energy Master Plan (REMP). For the Zimbabwe Rural Electrification Agency (REA), 2015-17.

  • Development of the economic component of an Electricity Support Mechanism for Namibia. With emCon and VO Consulting for the Namibian Electricity Control Board, 2013.

  • Assessment of the economic feasibility of establishing a Solar Water Heater industry in the Western Cape.  Done for the City of Cape Town Energy and Climate Change Unit, 2012.

  • Development of the economic component of the rewriting of the South African White Paper on renewable energy. With Agama Energy for the Department of Energy, 2010.

  • Development of a dynamic CGE model to determine the impact on the Namibian economy of changes in the price of electricity. For the Namibian Electricity Control Board, 2009-10. Updated 2013 & 2018.

  • Advisor to emCon, Namibia on the macroeconomic impact of renewable energy options for the Namibian economy. For the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Institute (REEEI) of Namibia, 2007-8


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